I started this oil painting (The Hen) last month but haven't had time to work on it since. story of my life.
I am working off of a photo that I edited using Adobe Photoshop Elements. I changed a few things around, made the chicken coop better, deeper, nicer, actually, than the one I have for my chickens. I have a white hen rather than the Black Aurstolorps I have because they wouldn't show up well in this case.
I sketched the picture in with charcoal. Then used Yellow Ochre and Payne's Gray to begin to get the tones.
I am in the process of clearing a place in the garage to begin the real setting in of color.
I must stand while painting. I walk away often, then turn to look at the paint I have added. This doesn't work well in my rather small studio. The larger the painting, which in this case is 24x30, the more I must stand back to view my work. Sometimes I will walk clear out of the garage, down the paved drive, to the side fence, which is a good 30 feet away.